Not every message needs a written-out answer. The best part is that only those actively participating in the discussion will receive alerts about new messages.
#Work slack pro#
7 years using Slack, and this is by far the most disappointing iPad app “upgrade.” Repackage the desktop app for the iPad and call it “Slack Pro” for iPad Pro users who use their iPad in place of a laptop.Threads are great for discussions and answering questions that need a breakdown or longer explanation. The only way to return some of the missing sort and see all DMs on the iPad app is to select the sort option of “by recent” but it does not group unreads. The iPhone app now also suffers from this Direct Message unread messages “Show All” problem. Unfortunate for the iPad app, Slack has taken a once very useful version (preferred as a second screen in some cases over the desktop app) and made it into a giant iPhone app.

Also, Direct message addresses are much harder to read too much text all clumped together. Also frustrating are the 3 or so “Unread Direct Messages” you can see, when you tap “Show All” it takes you to the “Direct Messages” sidebar that sorts in its own way, with unreads strewn about. Seems like the “Dark Mode” folks won the design argument as the new app no longer supports the desktop or web app color themes which now makes the iPad app incredibly difficult to know at a glance which team you’re viewing. Now, the iPad app has been turned to be quite bland. No longer easy to see all unread messages in one place - which was a feature I regularly requested for the desktop app. In some ways, it is almost as if Slack doesn’t understand its users.
#Work slack update#
The recent iPad App update misses the mark quite considerably. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back for iPad

We'd be happy to investigate the issues you are having with editing and sending messages. Luckily it’s miles better than Discord, which although more powerful, is not easy to use or grasp. Right now it doesn’t ‘feel’ right - I know that doesn’t really help but perhaps they’d benefit from a larger user-acceptance phase for UX. I also would like to see a more user friendly search query system (AND/OR) where I can add criteria. I would like to see a more clear distinction between ‘search everywhere’ and ‘search within the current channel or private conversation’. Lastly, I think they need to rework ‘search’. I also find the app to respond slow on iPadOS, as if it’s not native but some kind of ‘HTML shell’ that doesn’t really bring the best of the native CPU/GPU capabilities. I know Slack used to be a game company, but this is not the type of game I’m interested in playing :) I had to move it out of the way, and quickly hit ‘submit’ before the bar jumped back, a matter of milliseconds. But this button is hidden behind a tiny floating language selection & dictation bar. When pressing ENTER on the iPad keyboard, the message is not sent you have to press a button. When resizing the window of Slack, the changes to editing a post are lost. Scientifically proven (or at least rumored) to make your working life simpler, more pleasant, and more productive. Customize your notifications so you stay focused on what matters.Easily search a central knowledge base that automatically indexes and archives your team’s past conversations and files.Integrate into your workflow, the tools and services you already use including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana, Twitter, Zendesk, and more.Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people all in Slack.Message or call any person or group within your team.