GSX Pro Change: Updated default GSX Profile for FSDT KIAH.GSX Pro Fix: GSX Trial now working correctly at FSDT airports if the airports are activated but GSX isn't.GSX Pro Fix: Don't remove airplane's own Traffic Cones when the parking is activated, if they are created as separate SimObjects (ex: Fenix A320), unless the airplane profile is set to use the GSX Traffic Cones instead.GSX (all versions) NEW: Added the following Handling operators: AST Aeroservizi (Italy), Envoy, PrimeFlight, Silver Airways, Quantem, Triangle Services (USA), Stobart Aviation (UK), Tradewinds (Kenya), NAHCO Aviance (Nigeria), Nauru Airlines (Nauru).The Test Jetway function continues to be available when editing the Stop position instead. GSX (all versions) NEW: When editing a parking spot, using the “Test” function (NumPad 5) will show the Parking Distance Threshold as a green circle.GSX Pro NEW: If the airplane hasn’t set the airline code in its aircraft.cfg, GSX will read the airline from the currently active SimBrief flightplan.GSX Pro NEW: GSX now recognizes airplane variations in separate packages, allowing to read airline parking codes from the aircraft.cfg in the Variation folder.This requires airline codes in the parking to be included in the GSX airport profile, since they can’t be read from the scenery directly when using the Navdata API.

#Aersoft airbus cockpit shimmer update
GSX Pro Fix: FSDT Live Update not updating the custom script for KIAH, to enable the Smart Static airplanes feature.GSX Pro Fix: Customized names from the internal airport database loaded only if the related scenery is installed.GSX Pro Fix: Correct detection of FSDT KORD vs default KORD.GSX Pro Fix: Custom Airplane profiles not loading when using liveries located in a different package.